This is the time of year when college students and their parents are starting to relax, as the school year has come to an end, and many students are settling in at home for summer with mom, dad and the family. The downtime of the summer months gives both parents and their children the ability to gear up for the new school year, learn new things, and prepare for what is ahead.
The Internet is the perfect resource to facilitate this according to NextStudent, a leading Phoenix-based education funding company. NextStudents new interactive, online newsletters written specifically for parents, students and graduates, respectively, is the ideal tool to provide dependable answers and critically needed information.
Easily Accessible Information
Most college students are so Internet savvy and technologically hip that it may not be good for their parents checkbook. Some parents may know what an MP3 player, iPod, Wii or Apple TV is, but they may not have the slightest idea as to how they work. With the new online newsletters, parents need not worry about quickly and easily finding the information they need, or stumbling through confusing menus or technology just to sign up for the correct newsletter.
Relevant, Useful Topics
To get a good feel for the type of articles available, parents may want to visit and click on the Parents link in the upper left-hand corner of the page. Alternately, they may find it interesting to review the Students or Graduates links, which contain the newsletter targeted for that specific demographic.
Since college now is out for the year, the Student newsletter most recently focused on such topics as Instant Online Summer Job Search Resources, Best Bets for Fun Summer Jobs, and College Entrepreneur: Summer Cash the Fun, Easy Way. To assist the brand new college graduate in moving from scholastic endeavors to the real world, topics included Top Companies for New Grads to Seek Employment, Master Your Money before it Masters You, and Tips for Transitioning: Going from College to the Real World.
Sign Up or Join the NextPath Community
To sign up for the newsletter, parents or students need only go online to and enter the appropriate details. If subscribers so desire, they may want to take it a step further by going interactive and joining the NextPath Community. Do so by clicking on the Join link found in the upper right-hand corner of this page: Joining allows users to comment on individual newsletter articles, give advice or more information to someone else who has asked a question, or pose a question to which others may respond. Becoming a community member requires only a valid e-mail address and the creation of a username and password.
NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding simple. Learn more about Student Loans, Private Student Loans and Student Loan Consolidation at